Isaiah 1:19-20
If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land.But if you refuse and rebel you shall be devoured by the sword.
Willingness in Webster’s dictionary - favorably disposed to do something.Obedient in Webster’s dictionary – submitting one’s will, not resisting.Willing and obedient is simply being eager to accomplish the purpose of God for your life without complaining and murmuring but with great delight and zeal.
I. The Benefit of being willing and obedient:
A. You will eat the best of the Land.
1. You are going to enjoy good health.
2. You are going to enjoy prosperity.
3. You will have good things like cars and houses and lands.
4. You will have good job with good income.
B. You will have God’s best for your life.
C. John 12:24 He who hates his life in this world will preserve it to eternal life. He who loves his life will loose it . God will honor the servants of Jesus.
II. The result of refusing and rebelling.
A. You will be devoured by the sword.
1. Sword symbolizes the schemes of the devil.
2. His purpose is to steal, to kill and to destroy.
B. What are examples of sword?
1. poverty
2. sickness
3. confusion
4. anxiety
5. distress
6. dissatisfaction
7. loneliness
III. How can we be willing and obedient?
A. Apply the blood of Jesus in your life.
1. Christ redeemed us from the curse of rebellion.
2. Christ redeemed us from disobedience in the Garden of Getsemany
B. Allow the Holy Spirit to change you from glory to glory. 2 Corinthians 3: 18
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