The Word

Monday, March 23, 2009

Psalms 68:11
The Lord gave the Word, great was the company of those who proclaimed it.

God gave the Word (His Son) so that whoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life. It is prophesied that great is the company of those who proclaimed it.

I. The good news of the Kingdom must be preached unto all the world for a witness unto all nations. Matthew 24:14
We are to be goers and reach out
A. Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15
1. it is a commandment
2. for all people of all nations.
3. preaching the gospel is the job of
every christian.
4. we need to go where the sinners are.

They Need to Know
B. The Gospel of the Kingdom is Good News.
1. They need to know the God of the Kingdom is a good God, reconciling the world to Himself through Jesus Christ.
2. They need to know the power of the blood and the name of Jesus.
3. They need to experience the power of the Holy Spirit.

II. The Word of God will set people free. John 8:31-32
A. The mark of a disciple is a doer of the word. (verse 31)
B. If you do the word you will know the truth. You know Jesus if you obey Him.
C. The truth will set you free!

If you think you are unhappy, look at them

If you think your salary is low, how about her?

If you think you don't have many friends...

If you think study is a burden, how about her?

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?
If your society is unfair to you, how about her?

• Enjoy life how it is and as it comes
• Things are worse for others and is a lot better for us
• There are many things in your life that will catch your eye
• but only a few will catch your heart....pursue those...

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