Matthew 6:33
But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness….
• God is interested to give His kingdom to us. It is His good pleasure to give us His kingdom.
Luke 12:32.
• You can have God’s kingdom while you are here on earth. Otherwise, why will Jesus tell us to seek God’s Kingdom if you are going to have it when you die.
And His promise is that you will have all the things you need in this life if you seek God’s kingdom. So you can have God’s Kingdom while you are here on earth.
I. God’s formula for a stress free life.
A. Seek His kingdom.
• 1. Let Jesus reign in your life.
• 2. Let others know Jesus and have Him reign in their lives.
• 3. Jesus is the King and we are His subjects. As servants to the King, we should be after doing His will and obeying His command and fulfill His commission.
B. Seek His righteousness.
• 1. Romans 4: 19-22. Abraham believed God and it was counted to Him for righteousness.
• 2. We are counted as seed of Abraham if we believe in God who sent His Son Jesus.
• 3. Therefore we are made righteous in the sight of God if we receive Jesus in our hearts . II Cor. 5:21.
• 4. As long as we remain in Jesus in obeying His commandments and serving Him we are righteous in the sight of God.
II. All these things shall be added unto you.
A. The things that will be added unto us are namely:
• 1. what we eat. (physical and spiritual)
• 2. what we wear (physical and spiritual)
B. All things we need in life. (II Peter 1:3)
• 1. Physical things
• 2. Spiritual things ( for us to live Godly)
III. Let Your Kingdom come
A. We are to pray for God’s kingdom to come to:
• 1. our lives
• 2. our families
• 3. our church
• 4. our community
• 5. our government officials
• 6. our city
• 7. our country.
• 8. our finances
• 9. our ministry
• 10 our jobs
B. Let us pursue God’s kingdom
a. Amidst pressure, when you realize your need for God., the kingdom of God is for you. Matthew 5:3
b. Amidst persecutions and trials, remain in God’s kingdom by constantly obeying Jesus.
1. All things work together for God to those who love God.
2. God’s kingdom is working in you for God’s glory.
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